Prairie Voices adds to accolades

Prairie Voices, the student literary arts magazine at College of Lake County (CLC), won third place in the Central Division of the 2023 Community College Humanities Association Annual Literary Magazine Competition. This is the eighth year in a row Prairie Voices has achieved one of the top three awards.
“I am proud of the stellar work in both writing and art from our students and the support from the faculty and editorial staff that contribute to this award-winning publication,” said English Instructor Dr. Nicholas Schevera. Instructor Bob Lossmann contributed as art editor, Maddy Asma completed the graphic design and Susan Daugherty, Lee-Ann Frega and Leigh Morrison were assistant editors.
In addition to the overall achievement, four students earned individual recognition for their work. Irving Montes De Oca won first place in Best Essay for "Being Mexican-American When You Aren't," and Chih-I Liu won first place in Best Artwork. Skylar Carter won second place in Best Short Stories for "The Facility," and Laura Hedien won second place in Best Photography.
Prairie Voices is a collection of student writing and art published annually in April. It represents the diverse voices of the CLC student community. To read the latest edition, visit