CLC named to Guide to Green Colleges

For the second consecutive year, The Princeton Review has named College of Lake County (CLC) one of the nation’s most environmentally responsible colleges in The Princeton Review Guide to Green Colleges: 2024 Edition.
This year, The Princeton Review Guide featured 522 colleges and universities globally, selected through its 2022-23 survey of administrators at 683 colleges pertaining to their institution's sustainability policies and programs. Also, the organization surveyed students attending the colleges about their sustainability related campus experiences.
“Living a sustainable lifestyle is important to our students, and they value attending a college that actively seeks to decrease its impact on the natural environment and climate change,” said Sustainability Manager Michelle Titterton. “The Princeton Review Guide to Green Schools is the premier resource for all students investigating college options and learning about green campuses.”
CLC has continued to grow its sustainability efforts in recent years with additions such as a solar field, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design-rated buildings and a geothermal heating and cooling system.
In a Princeton Review poll of more than 8,800 college applicants, 69% said having information about a college’s commitment to the environment would impact their decision to apply to or attend the school.
The school profiles in The Princeton Review Guide to Green Colleges report on the colleges’ uses of renewable energy, their recycling and conservation programs, the availability of environmental studies in their academic offerings and their career guidance for green jobs. The Princeton Review has published its Guide to Green Colleges annually since 2010.