Areas of Study
Get inspired
You know what you like. Explore these fields to see what sparks your interest.
Arts, Digital Media and Communications
Express yourself through art, dance, music and theatre. Tell stories through written and spoken words, images and technology.
Business, Hospitality, and Information Technology
Lead business innovation. Connect people and processes with technology. Create memorable experiences through food, drink and hospitality.
Education and Social Sciences
Understand people, their needs and motivations to make a difference in society. Pursue a path in education, history, psychology, sociology, human services or another social science.
Humanities, Culture and Global Studies
Develop critical thinking skills through literature and composition. Learn different cultures, languages and philosophies to foster deeper connections.
Legal Studies and Public Safety
Learn about the law to ensure justice. Safeguard citizens from crime, fire or health emergencies. Prepare for a vital role in community service.
Manufacturing, Engineering and Advanced Technologies
Plan the future of technology and manufacturing. Keep high-tech facilities running smoothly. Develop skills in high-demand trades.
Science and Math
Unlock mysteries of the natural world. Harness the power of numbers. From biology and chemistry to math and physics, prepare to solve complex problems.
Sustainability and Horticulture
Care for the environment by leading sustainable best practices. Cultivate a greener future through excellence in horticulture.
Wellness and Health Sciences
Care for people and pets. Prepare for a career that prioritizes well-being. Or begin your academic journey to earn advanced medical degrees.
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