FERPA for Parents
What FERPA means for you and your college student
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (sometimes referred to as the Buckley Amendment) was designed to protect the privacy of educational records and to establish the rights of students to inspect and review their educational records. It also provided control over the release of educational record information. The original intent of this legislation was to keep elementary and high school records private and to give parents access to their child’s school records.
Once a student turns eighteen, or attends school beyond secondary school, the rights of access to the student’s records transfer to the student. This means that all academic information regarding your college student goes directly to the student unless the student has given specific, written permission to release that information to someone else.
To grant specific individuals access to your educational records, please complete the form and submit it to the Office of Student Records.
In order to comply with FERPA regulations safeguarding educational records, a unique identifying code will be required prior to giving out any confidential information to either the student or those authorized to receive information over the phone. Those authorized will be required to provide the student’s name, unique CLC ID number, their relationship to the student and the FERPA PIN.
Any caller who does not have the FERPA PIN will need to contact the student for this information. If the student has forgotten their PIN, they will need to contact Student Records at records@clcilinois.edu using their secure CLC Email Account. FERPA PINs will not be given out over the phone.
Please refer to the FERPA Authorization waiver form for next steps in granting third-party student data access.
In summary
College parents often feel frustrated by FERPA regulations. They feel that they need, and should have, access to student information. As college parents, we need to remember that college students are working toward increased independence and responsibility. Allowing them to determine who receives their academic information is a part of that growing independence. Some students handle this responsibility wisely and some may struggle with it. As with many aspects of the college experience, increased communication between college parents and college students will make the experience go smoothly for everyone.