Intentional restoration
CLC reestablished local wetlands as the campus grew in the 1970s and ‘80s. Today the campus features nearly 50 acres of wetlands, which hold up to 75 million gallons of stormwater.
One inch of rain falling over one acre equals just over 27 thousand gallons of water. Wetlands can store up to 1.5 million gallons of stormwater per acre. During large storms they prevent excess water from reaching the storm sewer system too quickly—a major cause of urban street flooding.
Wetlands give life
Wetlands also provide habitat for plants and animals that nest and feed in marshes and fens. CLC’s wetlands teem with small amphibians and reptiles, perfect for wading predators like the great blue heron.
Plants common to Illinois wetlands include grasses, forbs, sedges and emergent water plants. Look for beautiful blue flag iris, switch grass and marsh marigold in CLC’s wetlands.
Wetlands benefits
CLCs wetlands help purify our water by filtering out chemicals and natural pollutants. To further reduce groundwater contamination, CLC uses indoor cleaning products formulated without toxic chemicals.
We also practice Integrated Pest Management, a process that uses natural solutions for insect and pest control before resorting to chemical treatments.
In Lake County: Clean H2O
To protect water quality at home, be mindful of what you flush, pour and purchase. Simple cleaning products, such as vinegar and baking soda, are effective and nonpolluting. Certified organic food products have been grown without chemicals that degrade soil or water quality.
Around the world: Needed habitat
Wetland plants filter out surface water pollutants such as fluids from cars and fertilizers. Downstream rivers fed by wetlands support a rich variety of aquatic life.
The West Siberian lowlands form the world's largest set of wetlands. The third largest wetland is north of the U.S. along the shores of the Hudson Bay. More than one-third of endangered species need the cleaning power of wetlands for survival.