Dual Credit

Earn real college credit before you graduate high school

Imagine stepping onto your future college campus with credits you already earned in high school. College of Lake County helps you establish your college transcript before you even start college. Gain confidence in your ability to succeed while reducing the time it takes to complete your degree.

Learn how high school students can earn both high school and college credit for taking classes through CLC's Dual Credit program.


Contact College Readiness and Dual Credit at (847) 543-2030.

Explore CLC's course catalog

Dual credit saves you time and money

  • Students and families saved nearly $3 million in college tuition last year by enrolling in dual credit classes at CLC
  • 25 high schools offer dual credit classes with CLC
  • Nearly 4,000 high school students took dual credit courses in 43 academic departments
  • Dual credit enrollment increased by 24%, with a total increase of 288% students served in the last 5 years
  • 29% of dual credit students became CLC students immediately after graduating high school

Source: CLC Community Impact Report 2024

Options to earn college credit while in high school

This guide gives you an overview of the ways you can start college early. When you’re ready, talk to your guidance counselor or a CLC College and Career Navigator to get started.

Option 1: Dual credit

  • When you take a dual credit course, you earn both high school and college credit for the same class. You go to class at your high school, and you earn college credit without paying college tuition.
  • After high school, you have a college transcript that shortens your associate degree at CLC and even transfers for your bachelor’s degree.

Dual credit courses are offered under agreements between CLC and local high schools. Each high school selects the students who participate in the program. These CLC courses are offered on-site at the local high school or at the Lake County High Schools Technology Campus, located next to CLC's Grayslake campus.

Option 2: Dual enrollment

  • Dual enrollment allows you to take CLC's regularly scheduled classes while you're still in high school. You can take a dual enrollment class at any time of day.
  • However, if you want to take a CLC class during your high school day, you must get prior approval from your high school.

When you choose dual enrollment, you are starting college before you complete your high school diploma. Just like any other college student, you’re responsible for:

  • paying tuition
  • buying books
  • managing your time
  • getting to campus

Our entire catalog of courses is open to you.

Option 3: Articulated credit

“Articulated credit” means that your high school and CLC have reached a detailed agreement that a particular high school course translates into a set amount of CLC credit. You may be able to use articulated credit to shorten your time at CLC.

You may be able to apply some of your regular high school courses to a degree or certificate from CLC. These are specific courses—usually specialized or advanced classes that help you start a career quickly. Check the list on this page for courses your high school offers.

Articulated courses offered at high schools:

Frequently asked questions

Dual credit information for high schools

Your eligible high school students get a rewarding and challenging opportunity to take college-level academic and career courses through CLC’s dual credit option. Provide a smooth transition to higher education by giving them a way to earn both college and high school credit in advance.

Bring CLC faculty, high school administrators and high school faculty together to develop curriculum and share instructional methods, ideas and experiences to benefit their teaching.

Give your students an invaluable start

  • Increase student access to CLC resources and services
  • Prepare students for college work
  • Reduce high school dropout rates

How dual credit works at CLC

  1. Classes are taught at each high school by their own instructors
  2. Curriculum, syllabi, textbooks and hiring standards must meet CLC guidelines
  3. A formal agreement is signed
  4. CLC tuition and application fees are waived
  5. Students receive both high school and CLC course credit
  6. A CLC transcript is generated

Contact our team

P-20 Educational Partnerships Department

(847) 543-2030

  • Lake Zurich High School
  • Libertyville High School
  • Vernon Hills High School
  • Warren Township High Schools

  • Carmel Catholic High School
  • Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep
  • Mundelein High School

  • Antioch High School
  • Lakes Community High School
  • Round Lake High School

  • North Chicago Community High School
  • Stevenson High School
  • Wauconda High School
  • Waukegan High School

  • Lake County Tech Campus

  • Grayslake Central High School
  • Grayslake North High School
  • Highland Park High School
  • Deerfield High School
  • Lake Forest High School

  • Barrington High School
  • Grant High School
  • New Tech at Zion-Benton East
  • Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart
  • Zion-Benton East High School