AP Exams Accepted for CLC Credit

Test for college credit

National exams such as the AP (Advanced Placement), CLEP (College Level Exam Program) and DSST can be used to earn credit for CLC classes.


Please reach out to the Testing Center.

AP Capstone

AP Capstone
Title of AP Exam Score CLC Course (Credit Hours) IAI Code
Research3-5 OTE199 (3)  
Seminar3-5 OTE199 (3)  



Title of AP Exam Score CLC Course (Credit Hours) IAI Code
Art History3-5 ART121 (3) F2900
Music Theory3-5 MUS124 (3) F1900
Studio Art: 2-D Design3-4 ART199 (3)  
Studio Art: 2-D Design5 ART122 (3)  
Studio Art: 3-D Design3-4 ART199 (3) 
Studio Art: 3-D Design5ART221 (3)  
Studio Art: Drawing3-4 ART199 (3)  
Studio Art: Drawing5ART124 (3)  



Title of AP Exam Score CLC Course (Credit Hours) IAI Code
English Language and Composition3-4 ENG121 (3) C1900
English Language and Composition5 ENG121 (3) &
ENG122 (3)
C1900 & C1901R
English Literature and Composition
3-5 ENG199 (3)  


History and Social Science

History and Social Science
Title of AP Exam Score CLC Course (Credit Hours) IAI Code
African American Studies3-5 HST240 (3) &
HST241 (3)
Comparative Government and Politics3-5 PSC123 (3)  
European History3-5 HST123 (3) &
HST124 (3)
Human Geography3-5 GEG122 (3)S4900N
Macroeconomics3-5 ECO221 (3)S3901
Microeconomics3-5 ECO222 (3) S3902
Psychology3-5PSY121 (3)S6900
United States Government and Politics3-5 PSC121 (3) S5900
United States History3-5HST221 (3) &
HST222 (3)
S2900 & S2901
World History3-5HST141 (3) &
HST142 (3)
S2912N & S2913N


Math and Computer Science

Math and Computer Science
Title of AP Exam Score CLC Course (Credit Hours) IAI Code
Pre Calculus3 MTH122  
Pre Calculus4+ MTH144  
Calculus AB3 MTH144 (5)  
Calculus AB4-5 MTH145 (5) M19001/MTH901
Calculus BC3 MTH145 (5) M19001
Calculus BC4-5 MTH145 (5) &
MTH146 (4)
M19001/MTH901 &
Computer Science A3-5 MCS141 (4)CS911
Computer Science Principles3-5CIT199 (3)  
Statistics3MTH142 (3) M1902
Statistics4-5MTH222 (4) M1902/BUS901



Title of AP Exam Score CLC Course (Credit Hours) IAI Code
Biology3-4BIO161 (4) L1910L/BIO910
Biology5 BIO161 (4) &
BIO162 (4)
L1910L/BIO910 &
Chemistry3-4CHM121 (5)P1902L/CHM911
Chemistry5 CHM121 (5) &
CHM123 (5)
91902L/CHM911 &
Environmental Science3-5 BIO120 (4) L1 905L
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism3-4PHY120 (4) P1901L
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism5PHY124 (5)
Physics C: Mechanics3-4PHY120 (4) P1901L
Physics C: Mechanics5 PHY123 (5)P2900L
Physics 1: Algebra-Based3PHY120 (4) P1901L
Physics 1: Algebra-Based4-5PHY121 (5)P1900L
Physics 2: Algebra-Based3PHY120 (4) P1901L
Physics 2: Algebra-Based4-5PHY122 (5)