Travel with CLC

Immersive learning

Journey beyond Lake County. Take your curiosity and your experience out into the field. Discover new ideas and forge new connections. Choose a travel program that matches your path:

  • Community trip: an annual, international trip, open to all
  • Local trips: shorter, regional forays, open to adults of all ages
  • Travel study: US & International trips for CLC students

Travel for personal enrichment

Discover new venues, food and culture or tour some of the world's most exciting places.

A student walking with her suitcase in Rome

Community travel: Let’s go!

Each year, the CLC Community Travel Program offers a tour to one of the world’s most educational and culturally enriching places. We do the planning; you get an adventure with a small group of fellow learners.

Learn about community travel opportunities

Group of community members

Local excursions: Tour regional attractions

Join us for immersive experiences where we discover novel places and enjoy behind-the-scenes access. A knowledgeable instructor or guide leads every excursion to enhance your learning experience.

Learn about local trips

Travel experiences and college credit

Here in the U.S. or overseas, immerse yourself in the experience of learning something new.

Group of community members

Travel study U.S.

CLC students go off-campus to add the kind of deep information you only get in the field. Biology students go into the back country; art students go plein-air painting.

Learn about U.S. travel study trips

Group of community members

Study abroad

Short-term international trips or a semester abroad can improve your fluency in a language, increase your cultural understanding or prepare you for a global career.

Learn about study abroad