Transfer Planning

Seamless & stress-free transfers

You made a smart decision starting at CLC, saving time and money. Transferring your Associate in Arts (A.A.), Associate in Science (A.S.), Associate in Fine Arts (A.F.A.) or Associate in Engineering Science (A.E.S.) degree can be a smooth process, getting you one step closer to your new career.

Transfer wherever you’d like. Perhaps you already know what university you plan to attend or what you plan to major in — or maybe you’re still deciding.

Wherever you are in your decision-making process, you have plenty of options for transferring your associate’s degree. We have articulation agreements, transfer guides by college and by major, even Guaranteed Transfer Agreements — yes, a trouble-free transfer is possible.

What should I do next?

Your priority is to choose your major and transfer school. If you’re still deciding, review the Easy Transfer Checklist (PDF).

If you plan to stay in Illinois for your transfer, check out to get help transferring higher education coursework within Illinois.

Review our transfer guides:

You can also review articulation agreements and guides for transferring associate degrees including the Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree (PDF).

We can help you choose the right path for your goals, whatever those may be. Your Academic Success Advisor helps you align your first two years here to gain credit toward your bachelor’s degree. If you are not sure where to start, let’s chat.

Need help?

Your College & Career Navigator (CCN) is your "go-to person" ready to help you get started at CLC.

Your CCN guides you through the admission process, helps you choose your academic program, enroll in classes and connect you with resources.

Talk to a CCN

Guaranteed Transfer Admission

A Guaranteed Transfer Admission (GTA) is an official agreement that you are pre-admitted to your chosen university and how your credits will transfer. This is a great option if:

  • You already know the university you plan to transfer to, and
  • We have an agreement with that school.

Consult your four-year school’s advisors

Under most of these agreements, you work with advisors at CLC and your transfer school throughout your time at CLC. It’s like you’re already a student there. You know that your CLC courses match what your destination school expects—every term, every class.

Meet your goals & maybe win a scholarship

You have to keep up your side of the agreement—keep your grades up, make the expected progress, and so on. However, you may also qualify for a transfer scholarship that will help you complete your bachelor’s degree. Read up on the GTA with your target school to understand what is available.

Explore Guaranteed Transfer Admission (GTA) schools

Can I transfer my A.A.S. career degree?

Usually, transfer agreements (articulation agreements and GTAs) apply only to degrees designed for transfer, including A.A., A.S., A.F.A. and A.E.S.

However, the credits you earn with your career degree (A.A.S.) are eligible for transfer in certain circumstances. The career programs include two categories of courses:

  • PCS code of 1.1 – These courses were designed to transfer.
  • PCS code of 1.2 – Some of these courses may transfer, and others may not.

Talk with a student development counselor, advisor, faculty member or a representative from the school to which you plan to transfer to discuss what A.A.S. courses are transferable.

Discuss your future career and transfer plans with us. We can help you figure out what type of degree is best for your chosen career path. If you’re undecided what you want to study next, we can help you select the most adaptable degree.

View articulation agreements (PDF)

What students say about CLC

  • Photo of Riley Pemstein

    Riley Pemstein

    Transfer student

    Transferring is a challenging process, but CLC did a great job making it smooth. The fantastic academic success advisors prioritized me having my schedule right so I had the classes to transfer where I wanted to go.”

    Riley took general education courses at CLC. He then transferred to University of Illinois Urbana-Campaign to study accounting. He now works as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

    Read Riley's story

    Photo of Riley Pemstein
  • Photo of Za'Tozia Duffie

    Za’Tozia Duffie

    Transfer student

    CLC set the standard for every educational institution I attended afterwards. I don't think I would have been able to grow academically, or even personally, if it wasn't for CLC.”

    Za’Tozia studied communication at CLC. She transferred to Lake Forest College for her bachelor's degree and then to Syracuse University for graduate school.

    Read Za’Tozia's story

    Photo of Za'Tozia Duffie
  • Photo of Kamden Kuklinski

    Kamden Kuklinski

    Transfer student

    “CLC was a really good option for me. I think it was the perfect way to go because it was very affordable. The smaller class sizes and community feel definitely made it feel like home.”

    Kamden studied biological sciences at CLC, then transferred to Lake Forest College, where he earned a bachelor's degree in neuroscience. He works at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis doing biomedical research as he prepares for graduate school.

    Read Kamden's story

    Photo of Kamden Kuklinski
  • Photo of Kenneth Dante

    Kenneth Dantes

    Transfer student

    "It felt like a community because there were actually those teachers that have time for you. During class, I knew I could have that relationship with them."

    Kenneth studied literature at CLC, then transferred to Elmhurst University. While at CLC, he worked on film projects in and around Chicago to gain experience and build his network. He now works in Los Angeles as a background production assistant for major streaming shows.

    Read Kenneth's story

    Photo of Kenneth Dante